2012년 11월 1일 목요일

Tell Truth with Humor

November 2nd, 2012
Essay on Impromtu Speech topic
Mr. Garrioch / English Composition
11b4 111150 Ho InHee

“If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.”

“Joke” is a magic word. It makes everything laughable. Even the most explicit reproach can be regarded the most trivial and frivolous comment under the indulgence of joke. Say “It’s just a joke!” and a person wouldn’t be able to outspokenly angry, because joke makes those indignant yet natural response a mere overreaction.

This is perhaps why so many comedy shows conveys impunity messages. Making people laugh, comedy shows has less possibility of being inspected. If anyone were a censor, he or she would definitely censor an outwardly criticizing essay with harsh tone than a highly sarcastic and humorous one. Romney Style first presented in Jay Leno Show is one good example. Romney Style essentially accused Romney of being fond of money and women, which is fatal for Romney as a presidential candidate. But at the same time, this highly humorous video is hard for Romney himself to accuse back, because it is a ‘joke’ that makes people laugh.

But come to think about the matter, there are some exceptions for this clear cut thesis that one needs to make people laugh to tell people the truth. Politicians, for instance, are frequently disclosed corruptions. In newspapers, articles severely criticizing and accusing politicians are easily to be seen, and people accept these articles without much rejection.

댓글 1개:

  1. Good to see this here. You are one of a few to include this on your blog. Little mini-assignments do count. Good work.
