2013년 2월 27일 수요일

The Lady with the Dog

February 27th, 2013
Love-Somewhere In Between
Mr. Garrioch / World Lit
12v1 111150 Ho In Hee

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” -Lao Tzu
“Where there is love there is life.” -Mahatma Gandhi
“A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” -Max Muller

Love is conceived as something powerful and holy. It is commonly believed to enable one overcome all adversities and endure all it costs. (And I’m referring to ‘romantic’ love, not platonic, religious, or familial one.) On one hand, love is regarded as something absolute that should be the top priority over anything, and not being fully devoted to the lover is of a great blame. On the other hand, ‘wrong’ form of love is an absolute taboo never to be followed.

Love appeared in The Lady with the Dog is one of those ‘wrong’ forms of love-adultery. Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna meet each other as it so happens. They feel strong affection, which they haven’t felt towards their own wife and husband, towards each other. Dmitri intentionally approaches Anna, after seeing her and her comely feature, and the two have intercourse (supposedly, or at least kiss several times, as directly stated in story). But does the sinful adultery between Dmitri and Anna feel so evil? Though people rationally judge this adultery as unacceptable, they probably do not feel the unacceptableness while reading through the story.

Adultery, for Dmitri Gurov, is one mechanism to desolateness. Dmitri is not very well belonged in the society he is involved. He lived in Moscow for his entire life; yet he isn’t so much deeply attached to the community. He always feels uncomfortable with other men, and regards women (whom he gets along with well) as “the lower race”. Women he encounter probably is 

댓글 1개:

  1. Hmmm. Is this done? In any case, I like your previous one better. Mentioning incest and adultery in the same sentence is problematic in this case, as incest is much more taboo. Adultery is more "heavily frowned upon." While I do like your intro with the set-up of romantic quotes about ideal love, the clarity and thoroughness you had in your posts about The Student are not nearly as strong here. Whatever you did with those ones, do again in future posts. :)
