2012년 9월 2일 일요일

My Best(?) Character-Jean

September 2nd, 2012
Short Story on Random Characters
Mr. Garrioch/Creative Writing(IR)
11b4 111150 Ho InHee

[Name: Jean Andler
Appearance: dull
Personality: bossy, cocky
Age: 25
Unique trait: divorced three times
Environment: old cottage
Problem: doesn’t study hard]

I’ll admit, I was totally distracted and uneasy. Such a sudden divorce left me a heartbreaking pain and I needed anybody to get comfort from. That anybody had to be like me-divorced and not too older than me. I was captured by a thought that that ‘anybody’ would be able to understand me and smooth over my hurt.

I joined an online dating service. I skimmed through thousands of profiles and finally Ifound an exceptionally intriguing one. The man’s name was Jean, 25-year-old, divorced a year ago. Great. I clicked the ‘send an e-mail’ button.
Jean replied a day after. The reply simply contained series of questions about me. I answered to all of them quite enthusiastically. We emailed back and forth several times, and chatted online every day. Finally, we decided to meet in front of the Saks. And the real story starts here. The GREATEST date of my entire life. Jesus.
I felt relieved when Jean finally appeared after half an hour had passed since the appointed time. I was simply eased when I found out I was not cheated, at least. Jean’s first impression, I would say his first impression was, well, admissible. His appearance could be described ‘dull’, but I personally don’t like fancy-looking guys. Those guys, more than half of them, are cheaters. I learned this from excruciating heartburn. So Jean suggested me going over to his house for dinner. Well, I’m not entirely sure if ‘suggest’ is appropriate term since he rather ‘compelled’ me to do so. Anyway, I approved his suggestion.

I was a bit surprised when he caught a cab. A little disappointed that he didn’t have a car or didn’t even have a friend to borrow one for his first meeting with a new date. I was even more disappointed when we entered a sequestered backstreet, and arrived at an old cottage just about to collapse.
“Do you actually… live here?”
Before I knew it, I blurted out a rude word. I apologized right after.
“I take the apology, but no more disrespects, chick.”
This is just the beginning.
We went in Jean’s cottage. I stood in front of the smelly worn out red couch since he didn’t give me a word of approval to sit on it. Jean went right into the kitchen.
“You know how to cook, lady? Look like you’ve never gotten your hands dirty.”
“Uh…. I do the laundries, dishes, all by myself, but, okay. I’ll let you make the dinner if you feel good this way.”
He turned on the stove without a word. I sat on the couch doing nothing-there was practically nothing I could do. He then got out of the kitchen with a bowl in his hand.
“Frito pie?” I asked. Frito pie, that wasn’t the best menu for a first date.
“As you see. Any problem?”
“…No.” I answered reluctantly. No problem at all. At least Frito pie was edible.
We sat down at a table and started eating. The Frito pie tasted like a convenience food, but I didn’t say a word about it.
“So. What do you do now, you said?” I asked aimlessly, disliking the silence.
“Freshman at **** College.” Jean’s answer was quite concise.
I didn’t know how to answer. I searched desperately for something to say, until Jean continued to go on.
“I know you’re thinking, ’25-year-old freshman? This one must be a jerk.’ But just to let you know, that whole college stuff is a shit.”
What an outspoken man.
“You think college names and grades represent your intelligence of something? F**k that asshole. The college has already become unsuccessful by flunking an outstanding intellectual like me.”
“So… You were flunked?”
“For three years. What. You have any problems?”
I didn’t answer. I was looking for a perfect timing to stamp out of this horrible place.
“All guys need is virility, this manly energy. Ladies? Well for ladies, appearance is all. An empty-headed girl with slinky body, she’s gonna rule the world. Only horrid-looking losers mind about colleges and stuff. My second wife was that ugly bitch.”
“Wait. You were divorced twice?”
“Shush, you impatient lady. I’m telling you my story. I was divorced three times, and among those three, the second was the worst. Thank me for taking that ugly girl for a while. Don’t judge a book by its cover? That doesn’t go for females. You too, lady. Don’t be so smug about yourself. Your face is a total crap.”
Enough. I banged the table.
"I'm TOTALLY sorry my face is a crap. I'm leaving here now and never going to return to this place again, and YOU find a young, hot chick with your well fabricated profile!"
And I stormed out of that dreadful place. As I was heading the front door, a disgusting voice from behind said,
“You sure you don’t want a beer? I have two bottles of tequila, but those are such undeserved treatments for you, huh? You better-”
And I just shut the door.

[hey chick u sure u dont want another appointment?]
[maybe next monday?]
[what, u wanna drop with me?]
[ignoring me, huh?]
[really not going to contact me?]
[stop being assy girl]
[sure u wont contact me anymore?]
[leave me message before today]

Jean still messages me in that cocky voice. Offending me with abusive words, he builds himself up. Those, not worth reading. And you know what I do: delete all the unread messages from him through the spam filter.

+) I tried to imagine Jean's profile, but I couldn't because apparently I have never been in those sites and so have no idea how the profiles are generally like. (such as what categories there are)

댓글 2개:

  1. Three things I like:

    1. You covered the bases effectively, and stuck to the rules. I really like how you chose to illustrate him from another character's POV. Dating website profile idea - very creative. At first I thought that was what you had at the start. Maybe make it more like a profile with his own writing there.

    2. Great use of pictures. Made it fun to read and easy to grasp. The dialogue also injects some fun. All in all, funny and fun and very flowing.

    3. I really don't like this guy. You succeed. Despite having some mixed traits, you use them well.

    Three things to improve:

    1. I like the chicks voice, but I found myself wanting to jump inside HIS head for a little while. It would be fun if you mixed it up and showed us what a jerk he is inside his own head. What is he thinking about this girl?

    2. The swear words are blanked out. That's fine but some of them make me wonder about what might be there.

    3. The ending seems a bit flat. It seems you ran out of gas. The content is good and long, but I think the ending could have been worked towards less abruptly. BUT I like that you chose to jump into the future. It would be fun to read his email or facebook message.

  2. I think you did really well with Jean's voice. It was completely believable and natural ^^ I also really liked the text excerpts.
