2011년 12월 10일 토요일

20years from now

Not very much of a hopeful future-life..!
But I really think being psychotherapist would be a very demanding yet fun thing.

           For me, who have a very bad memory, name of diseases, their symptoms, and adequate treatments for them were too much to commit to memory. But it’s not my memory problem that I don’t know a good way to make patients self-conscious about their disease without hurting their self-regard. It’s just… There is no such method for that. And today, I definitely felt a need for one.
           His name was Eric. He knocked on my office door when I was reviewing his chart of medical history. He stayed in psychiatric ward of McLean Psychiatric Hospital. It was only fourth time for me to treat patients from hospitals. I usually treat people who don’t have superficial problems. Most of the times, they visit me because of anxiety, depression, emotional instability and some other trivial matters. Three previous patients were sent to me because doctors their concluded those patients needed less formal counsels more than medical treatments. Quite glozingly explained, but in short, those patients are often ‘problematic’ ones whom the hospital can’t handle well. Eric was just that case.
           To introduce Eric a little more, Eric has anti-social disorder, and just like other patients, he isn’t self conscious that he has such a disorder. Well, till here he is not a very peculiar patient. But the point is, he studies Psychiatry in university. Then when he was in graduating class, something happened to his family-probably something tragic-and he turned extremely antisocial. His diagnosis and personal information chart included this far. I got additional advice from Dr. Cox who was in charge of Eric that Eric is highly crafty even as a person antisocial disorder, partly because he knew too much. This is all I know about Eric.
           Dr. Cox was right. Eric knew too much. When I greeted him, he thrust his hand out and shook my hand as if we were having a formal meeting. He then introduced himself as an ‘orderly in psychiatry ward’. He cautiously explained more about patients he had to deal with in ward no. 52. I listened to his words carefully. He talked about a girl who washes her hand every thirty minutes to clean out the memory of being raped. He explained about another girl who was exceptionally plump and was bullied for her entire life. That girl had bipolar disorder, Eric said. He talked about a good looking guy who used to be an athlete but got schizophrenia because he was habitually beaten by his coach. He mentioned few other patients in ward no. 52 which I can’t remember them all. But I remember what he mentioned at last: that there is no one in ward no. 52 who is suffering from anti-social disorder. I pretty much nodded to what he said though I didn’t completely trust his words.
           After Eric left my office, I called Dr. Cox to ask a little more about what problems he typically had in the hospital. Dr. Cox laughed, and told me reluctantly. Eric had driven patients to suicide nine times by giving contemptuous remarks to them. In one occasion, Eric told one patient that psychopaths are noxious beings to their families. He said that nobody would want to marry a woman with psychic brother, and that parents would find it very bothersome to take care of their psychic child. Once he even deceived an internship student. Hearing all these stories, I felt a sense of justice that I haven’t felt for a while. Eric might be a patient who can get me volition and will to my job.

The Body Reading Journal #2

The Body: Movie v. Book

“Ahhhh, Chris!”
This exclamation is perhaps the most frequently spoken phrase in our class while watching Stand by Me. For the girls, including me, Chris was the number one important character, the hero, and the only reason why we were watching the movie. Another DiCaprio, River Jude Phoenix, was just one contributing factor that made Chris cool. The character of Chris was the dominant factor that made him appear cool. But what I thought, to be honest, was that Gordie appeared much more heroic in the movie. Though I still think that Chris is much more attractive than Gordie, it is true that Gordie was quite an attractive character in the movie. The movie Stand by Me also had some other differences from the book.
First, Gordie’s character is much less described in the movie. Gordie’s writing piece as an undergraduate student, Studcity, is left out in the movie. I understand that Studcity isn’t the easiest part to filmize. It is further inadequate as well. But the fact that Studcity is left out makes the difference between movie and book.  Studcity first emphasized Gordie’s trauma once more. Chico in Studcity represents Gordie, and readers can easily notice the embarrassment and longing of Gordie from the Studcity. Second, Studcity shows Gordie’s overall character. This describes how Gordie wanted to look ‘experienced’, but in fact he was more inexperienced and innocent. Another part is where Gordie sees Ace in Castlerock as an adult. This very last part of the book shows adult Gordie flashbacks his memories of childhood. He quite insensibly and objectively recalls the past.
Second, the relationship between Gordie and his brother Dennis got much closer. In the book, Gordie described the relationship between him and his brother as ‘acquaintance’. He also said that Dennis’s death was somewhat like a radio star’s death. It is quite apparent and spoken straightforward in the book that Gordie and his football star brother Dennis barely had any special happenings. The book also explained much of Gordie’s trauma. (I think this is partly-or a lot-due to the point of view, that Gordie was the first person narrator in the book). The movie also put Gordie as a first person narrator, but since movie focuses more on visual images, perhaps it had less opportunity to show Gordie’s trauma effectively. Also in the movie Gordie appeared to have quite good and close relation with Dennis. The movie added some more instances between Gordie and Dennis such as embrace of Gordie and Dennis in Dennis’s bedroom. This might be my personal opinion, but in the movie Gordie’s trauma seemed somewhat trivial compared to that in the book.
The last thing, as mentioned above, is that Gordie was much more heroic in the movie than in the book. In the book, Gordie was very speculative and contemplate. He had a lot of thoughts in his mind always, and it was described directly into words in the book. However, in the movie, narrator Gordie’s voice didn’t appear much and thus audiences are not able to perfectly get all the thoughts that are going on Gordie’s mind on certain points. But all things taken together, the final part of the story is the crucial part, when Gordie and his friends met the gang. The gang was a group of guys who could actually life threaten Gordie and his friends. In the book, it was Chris who challenged them, by pointing a rifle at the gang. Everyone, even Teddy and Vern, knew that this time the threat could be a ‘real’ life threatening one. But Chris, who also had fear of future troubles, held the gun and stood against the gang. The book also mentions about Chris being severely beaten by the gang after the body incident. However, in the movie, it is Gordie who holds the rifle. The part about the gang’s revenge is also omitted in the movie. So in the movie Gordie seems much more brave and heroic.
The movie and the book had little differences compared to others. The movie contained pretty much everything that was in the book. It also had consistency of characters. But some trivial differences made the color of the book and the movie different. Still, I like both. And I like Chris!

2011년 12월 8일 목요일

DUET with IU

I found that IU was one of the singers with most duet songs.
And mostly with male singers!

사랑을 믿어요 [Believe in Love]-IU & 유승호

This was my alarm song last sememster...So for me this song always reminds me of 아침기(morning excercise)..
Still I like this song except 유승호 barely sings here

기적 [Miracle]-IU & 임슬옹

Originally sang by 김동률 n 이소은, soundtrack from 'the Miracle' in 1992.
IU and 임슬옹 sang this song together in 김정은의 초콜릿 (midnight music broadcasting show).
Their voices make perfect vocal harmony. I think this was better than the original ver. by 김동률 & 이소은!

첫 사랑이죠 [It's First Love] - IU & 나윤권

Well, 나윤권 is also one of those who sang duet songs alot, too. It's just,, he barely sings solo songs :(
I first heard this song in radio. Actually, the lyrics of this song was made by one high school student.
It was when one radio station was having a request corner and everyone could make their own lyrics and sent them. They chose the best one and made that into a song, which came to be, THIS!

그대네요 [It's You] -IU & 성시경

I remember listening to this song on the way to KMLA for interview.
Frankly I personally don't like 성시경's voice. (Is it only me who thinks his voice's a bit buttery?)
AndI I personally don't prefer this song since this always makes me recall the memory of running 3.2 kilometers for the fitness test.

미리 메리 크리스마스 - IU & 천둥

I'm not sure if this is really a duet song.... Whatever. .. .. ..
And plus I don't know how I translate this into Englisth!..... .. .. ..

Just For Refreshing :)

Some cute pictures I found on facebook n google!!

>Exhausted orange 

>Merciless gummybears!
I tried to make one like this too but failed....My gummybears never stand :[
Plus splitting tiny gummybear into two is such demanding work.

>Apple n Marshmallow Smile

>Banana tentacles

I just needed somethng to refresh my mind.. after this merciless precal exam!!!!!!!!